Error: VMM Host not responding

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First of all check if your VMM SA Account is member of the local administrators group on each Hyper-v node.
Then open the VMM Console and right-click on the host that’s experiencing issues and chose properties -> status.

– Network: Some network issues, most cases VMM can’t reach the VMM agent. Check DNS, Ports and ping.

Ports used by VMM Agent:
Hyper-V Host (VMM agent) Ports: 80/135/139/445        WinRM/RPC/NetBIOS/SMB (TCP)
Hyper-V Host (File transfer) Port: 443 or 80                     HTTPS/HTTP Using Bits
Hyper-V Host (Control channel) Ports: 5985/5986          WS-Management

– WinRm: Check if WinRm is working on the Hyper-v node:

Configure the WinRm service to run in a separate Svchost.exe process. You can check this with Process explorer from Sysinternals witch can be download from here.

If WinRm is not running in a separate svchost process.
Open an elevated command prompt:

You get this output if the command was succesful:
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS

And increase the limits of WinRm:

Try a refresh in VMM..

– Host agent service: Restart the VMM Agent on the host with this PowerShell command:

– Host agent version: Update the VMM Agent version if it is older than the VMM Console.
– WMI Performance Counter: If you have some WMI related issues you can restart the SCOM Agent try to clear the SCOM Health cache..


If WMI Still corrupted you can try to performs a consistency check on the WMI repository, and if an inconsistency is detected, rebuilds the repository, with this command:

When this fails you can try a full reset of the WMI Repository with this command:


If the Winrm commands fails, look if the winRM working correctly with this command:

With a working config the output looks like this:

Listener [Source=”GPO”]
Address = *
Transport = HTTP
Port = 5985
Enabled = true
URLPrefix = wsman

With a bad config try a new quick config of WinRm:


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