Saving encrypted credentials is another cool feature in Ansible Tower / AWX. By default, there are a lot of custom
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extra_vars ignored Tower / AWX API call
After endless troubleshooting just a note to myself and other people who facing this strange issue. Google does not index
Continue readingHow to add Python modules to AWX on Kubernetes
The standard AWX deployment comes with a standard Python virtual environment with some pre-installed python modules. These default modules are
Continue readingHow to create a PowerShell module for Ansible
In one of my older posts I discussed already how to create a custom Python modules for Ansible which you
Continue readingInvoke Ansible Tower (AWX) API Job using PowerShell
With Ansible tower or the open-source variant AWX you can create Job templates and workflows. Starting these job templates could
Continue readingHow to limit hosts in AWX / Tower Job template inventory?
When creating job templates you want to reuse the job template for multiple hosts without creating a new dynamic inventory
Continue readingOpt/custom-venvs/.. is not a valid virtualenv in /var/lib/awx/venv”
I received this error after adding some extra virtual environments in my AWX Kubernetes deployment. Hereby my troubleshooting steps and
Continue readingAnsible Tower / AWX No playbooks visible in template
One of my playbooks was not visible in Ansible Tower / AWX.The troubleshooting steps I have taken to solve the
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